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Operator in control room

Improve mine safety

by knowing where people are in real-time and by enabling automatic messages to people entering risk areas.

Our technology-agnostic approach

allows real-time location tracking and monitoring of vehicles, personnel and equipment using a mixture of technologies from various vendors.

Faster decision making

With the right information at hand, you can make decisions based on knowing instead of guessing.

Awareness for everyone

Awareness is the first step toward safer and more productive operations. To improve your operation, you must know how you are doing. With real-time data and superior 3D visualization, Mobilaris Situational Awareness gives you that insight.

Are you aware?

Today, anyone can look up almost anything using their smartphones. With Mobilaris Situational Awareness we bring this possibility to the mine operations. By enabling the same information that is available in the control room to be available to any miner, the positive effect will dramatically increase. With our related products Mobilaris Onboard and Mobilaris PocketMine, everybody, anywhere in the mine will know what is going on. 

Personnel in the control room can now visualize the whole mine or tunnel and:

  • Locate people, mobile and fixed assets
  • See the status of the production (planned vs actuals), production delays etc.
  • Visualize the real-time status of IoT sensors etc.
  • Easily look up any information and create instant reports
  • Follow important transports in the mine

All this together makes it possible for you to get on top of things and take control over the operations and resources. By being aware, you can now react faster and save the shift. A multitude of faceplates visualizing the status of workplaces and stopes makes production status visible at your fingertips.


Openness is an important key capability. The real-time location, tracking and monitoring of vehicles, personnel and equipment is allowed by our unique technology-agnostic approach. Using a mixture of technologies (LTE, WiFi, UWB, RFID and other proprietary technologies) from various vendors secure your investments in communication infrastructures and makes them future-proof.  Open positioning API makes it possible for any tag vendor to make their tags compatible with our solutions.
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Are you aware?

Mobilaris Situational Awareness



Epiroc offers various Mobilaris tags that enable the effective localization of personnel and mobile assets (such as vehicles or machinery) within a Wi-Fi or LTE network. Using special algorithms, the position of each tag is determined. All tags are configured, managed and monitored from Mobilaris Mining Intelligence system. The tags can be remotely Over the Air (OTA) updated whenever needed.

Depending on specific needs and technology, we offer a variety of tags, such as:

  • Mobilaris Cap Lamp Tag (WiFi)
  • Mobilaris Vehicle Tag (WiFi)
  • Mobilaris Long Life Personal Tag (WiFi)
  • Mobilaris Virtual Tag (WiFi, BLE, LTE, GPS)
  • Mobilaris Companion WiFi (WiFi, BLE)

History viewer

The History viewer allows the user to analyze shifts, workflows and transports back in time. Select what assets to view, search for assets, and follow assets – just like in real-time. This feature can be used for many things – view and fast forward a shift to learn about traffic patterns. Or to analyze events after incidents such as evacuation or accidents. How do we improve evacuation procedures? And why did we do that first instead of that…?


In case of an emergency evacuation, markers are shown on the timeline to point out when certain process steps were taken. Answering questions such as: When was the rescue team called for? When was the evacuation message sent out? At what time was everybody safe?