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Epiroc DM30 II rotary blasthole drilling rig

Product description

The DM30 II is a crawler-mounted, hydraulic tophead-drive rotary blasthole drill rig that’s suitable for a variety of multi-pass and DTH drilling applications. It can achieve a clean hole depth of 8.5 m (28 ft) in single-pass applications or 45.1 m (148 ft) in multi-pass applications with a starter rod under the rotary head. It also features a 9.1 m (30 ft) drill pipe change and a standard 4-rod carousel.


The DM30 II is designed for mining and the structural components will hold up to the heavy-duty cycles required in a mining drill.


Main application area

Blasthole drilling in open-pit mining

Drilling method


Product family


Single-pass depth

8,5 m

Maximum hole depth

45,1 m

Weight on bit

13 600 kg

Pulldown capacity

0 kN - 133,4 kN

Pullback capacity

0 kN - 44,5 kN


Product variations apply. See brochure for more information.
