Exploration & OreBody Solutions
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By industry segment
Safety nets
Rockstop safety nets are used as areal coverage to protect miners from falls of ground occurring between installed support.
Additional protection
Engineered performance
Rockstop safety nets are used as areal coverage to protect miners from falls of ground occurring between installed support.
Additional protection
Engineered performance
The Rockstop range of safety nets are used as areal coverage to protect miners from falls of ground occurring between installed permanent and temporary support. The nets can be suspended from temporary supports adjacent to the work face, such as temporary mechanical jacks, and connected to previously installed rockbolts and elongates. The installation of the nets allows miners to move within the work area with the additional protection of the nets improving safety in the work area.
Rockstop nets are designed to safely arrest either a 2 tonne or 450 kg mass dropped from a 300 mm height with minimal deflection. Rockstop nets are available with 100 mm and 130 mm apertures in a range of different sizes and net installation accessories such as tensioners, S-hooks and hook installation tools are available to facilitate the safe installation of nets.
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