It is early in the morning in the old, working-class district of Majorna in Gothenburg. The only thing that can be heard are children on their way to school and the familiar ringing of the number 11 streetcar leaving the stop at Mariaplan. A few minutes walk, Ärlegatan winds up and over Gråberget, and along the way there are barriers, fencing and warning signs warning of ongoing blasting work. This is where 13 000 cubic meters of rock will be blasted away to make room for 52 condominiums spread over two buildings.
At the top of the hill that will soon be transformed into gravel stands Kevin Linnér, CEO and founder of KPJ Bergarbeten AB. His company specializes in complicated projects and works almost exclusively in this type of heavily populated areas in central Gothenburg.
“Everything that is easy to build in Gothenburg has already been built. Only the more difficult areas remain, and we are glad to take on these types of projects with high technical requirements. Roughly 90 percent of the jobs that we do are these types of projects.” says Kevin Linnér.