One station — a whole world of opportunities
The Common Automation Panel (CAP) is designed for teleremote and autonomous machines. Multiple RCS-based drill rigs can be operated from a remote location. CAP has the ability to switch between different machine types. For example, a remote operator can run multiple Pit Viper and SmartROC rigs — all from the same CAP station.
Time-efficient — An operator can sit in a remote location, together with other co-workers and run multiple rigs in a mixed RCS-based fleet. This saves travel time, increases interaction between operators and drastically reduces the effort required to change staff between shifts.
Scalable — This system is extremely expandable. As long as there is capacity in the system and the site infrastructure can cope, additional CAP stations and rigs can be added.
Safe — The best way to keep your operators safe is to keep them away from danger. With CAP, they can work from a pleasant control room situated well-away from the worksite and associated dust, noise and dangers.
Join the digital revolution
The Common Automation Panel (CAP) from Epiroc is designed to transform the way you run your business. CAP enables the remote operation of a mixed fleet of RCS-base rigs. It will transform control-room operations and the way operators are trained.
Common Automation Panel (CAP) is a 6th Sense product. Click here to find out more about the 6th Sense concept or check out the stories and videos below.
Increased safety and productivity are two of the many benefits Goldcorp has experienced since switching from manual drills to Epiroc autonomous drills.
Meet the world's first autonomous electric Epiroc Pit Viper 351.