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We offer truck-mounted or carrier-mounted drills with a range of pullback ratings, hole depths and hole diamters to fit in any of your drilling needs.
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Wherever there is a well to be drilled for water or energy, there is always a need to case the overburden layer. For any well driller, productivity and high utilization of equipment is critical to succeed. Quick and reliable drilling in overburden is a key factor to achieve this. Well drilling is frequently done in urban, developed areas where the well must be drilled as quick as possible with minimum of impact on surroundings. Most of the wells are drilled without any detailed ground investigation, and the demands are high on the systems ability to perform well in any ground condition. Epiroc offers a complete solution which can be used with small, compact rigs with excellent results in almost any ground condition.
In geothermal drilling bore wells are drilled to extract heat stored in earth. In shallow geothermal drilling, typically two geothermal wells with diameter 4.5 or 5 inch are drilled to a depth of 180-300 meter. Water contained in water table is used to transfer the energy from the Earth to the ground. This energy is used to heat homes and it can safe up to 30 % of the energy cost. Geothermal heating of houses are increasingly popular due to both economical advantages as well as environmental concerns. Casing advancement systems are often used to drill the holes through the overburden, keeping the holes open during installation of the heat exchange system and minimizing the impact on surrounding structures.
Water well drilling is a common application all over the world. The casing advancement systems are used in places where it's needed to keep the hole open to install the screen casing and/or water pump. Epiroc offers a solution that can be used with small, compact rigs (using the DTH drilling method) with excellent results in almost any ground condition. We have a complete line of hydraulic top-head drive drills, designed for water well drilling and other applications requiring air or mud rotary, as well as down-the-hole hammer drilling methods.