Due to that the drill plan always will be generated at the actual section where it’s navigated, the drill plan will always be a perfect match. There is no more need for free hand drilling to make the extension or use an old drill plan that “almost” fit. This will generate better blasting and better quality of the contours.
Today in large tunnel or mine projects it’s a lot of time spent going up and down with new drill plans. Due to that Dynamic Tunneling Package creates the drill plans directly in the drill all that time is saved. With the Dynamic Tunneling Package you only have to download the contour of the tunnel and a set of rules. The rest is created by the drill rig.
If you use fix and predefined drill patterns there’s always a risk that they will not fit to the actual section. In a ramp tunnel for example, your blasting have not reached the designed depth and due to that you have not advanced as much as planned. Instead of using the drill plan for a planned section ahead you have to go back to office to modify the drill plan. In projects with lot of size variations in cross sections, huge time could be spent on modify drill plans.
On many projects the surveyor is responsible for the drill plans. If the surveyor is not present when the drill plan is needed there will be a lot of waiting. No more waiting for the surveyor because there is no drill plan that matches.
Automated and tele-remotely controlled operations can significantly increase productivity and improve safety at the same time. It can also increase consistency of daily operations, yet providing predictable results.
6th Sense Control is a product family that combines different features, functions and product packages allowing to improve process and machine control in a safe, consistent and reliable manner. Read more about 6th Sense.
With the Dynamic Tunneling Package the drill rig can create its own drill plans directly at the face of the tunnel.
You just download the contours of the tunnel or mine drifts to the drill rig together with a drill rule file and the drill rig will create drill plans tailored for the section it is navigated within. No more going back and forth with drill plans. And improved accuracy of the excavation due to the fact that the drill plans will always be fitted for the current section.