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Exploration & OreBody Solutions
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Epiroc offers a complete ventilation solution for tunneling and underground mining operations, including system design and installation of fan stations and ducting.
Reliable high-pressure fans and durable PVC-coated ducts contribute to optimal underground airflow, day in and day out.
We can partner with you from design to installation to help you achieve maximum performance with a lower cost.
Our global service network, with components on hand, assures that your ventilation will always be running at top capacity.
So this is what wasting air actually looks like? Let Serpent Ventilation System help you! Serpent delivers the right amount of air at the right time and can save you up to 50% in running costs. There’s money in air. Stop the waste.
Epiroc Estonia / Sautec AS
Tule 10, Saue
76505 Estonia