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Exploration & OreBody Solutions
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Rock drills and rotation units
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CONNECT - Agnostic connectivity
Go to PROTECT - Safety solutions
PLAN - Integrated mine planning
AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
Go to AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
Go to OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
By industry segment
The Epiroc range of raiseboring equipment includes products for conventional raiseboring, boxhole boring and down reaming.
To reduce fatigue and maximize uptime, operators can control the rig remotely from a safe and comfortable setting above ground.
Our raiseboring machines lower costs by excelling in a variety of settings with quick and easy setup, giving you more flexibility with one rig.
Setup of the raiseboring machines from Epiroc is quick and easy to maximize your uptime.
Epiroc Estonia / Sautec AS
Tule 10, Saue
76505 Estonia