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Exploration & OreBody Solutions
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To pay for their travel costs, the team launched a successful GoFundMe campaign and also received funding from sponsors, with Epiroc being one of the donors. For Kari Lentowicz, it was a dream come true when Diamonds in the Rough crossed the finish line having completed the competition.
“People around us said it would never work, but we proved that it can. The support in Russia was absolutely amazing and the feedback was overwhelming. This is the best experience in my life,” says Lentowicz, founder and one of the eight team members.
"“Teamwork is the key. We formed a strong bond after only ten days of training and living together, which was crucial for us. I hope we can encourage more women to compete” "
Epiroc Estonia / Sautec AS
Tule 10, Saue
76505 Estonia