Moreover, ELF Drilling is the only mining contractor in Southern Africa to operate an Epiroc DTH (Down-the-Hole) simulator for FlexiROC D65 operator training
Conditions on site
Conditions at the KMR mine (Kudumane Manganese Resources), located about 60 km northwest of Kuruman, are challenging; dry and cold in winter, hot and rainy in summer and the in-pit environment is extremely dusty regardless of the season.
Nine Epiroc rigs are at work here, including both FlexiROC and SmartROC units.
Working on 10 m-high benches, they drill 165 mm blast holes in lime/calcrete, banded iron ore formations and manganese ore. The drilling pattern is 4 x 3.5 m and the holes are drilled at angles of 70 and 90 degrees, 14 m deep with one meter of subdrilling.
At the Vedanta Mine site, some 30 km away at Black Mountain Mining, the environment and general set-up are the same as at KMR, except that here ELF’s fleet of 10 FlexiROC and SmartROC rigs are drilling 10 m-holes in quartz rock and zinc ore.
Penetration rates per hour vary greatly depending on the materials encountered in the pits. Nevertheless, ELF Drilling says the rigs perform well in all material types and enable the company to meet its daily and monthly targets.