Uniting to deliver explosive power
Erik Nubberud has his sights set on young, eager miners and rock excavators from his own home town. This has made the company take off even faster than he had ever hoped – with Epiroc as a reliable partner.
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By industry segment
June 1, 2015
"A number of large infrastructure projects are either underway or being planned right now, not least in the Nordic countries, and this, together with the growth and expansion of the big cities, is generating an increasing amount of drilling and blasting work. As a result, the contractors need to have a wide hole range for small to medium-large blasting work, particularly in and around densely populated areas, and this new rig gives them this capability."
2015 FlexiROC T25 R Construction Edition International News Surface drill rigs Surface and Exploration Drilling division Product
Erik Nubberud has his sights set on young, eager miners and rock excavators from his own home town. This has made the company take off even faster than he had ever hoped – with Epiroc as a reliable partner.
The Danish company, Munck Group, has taken on an icy mission where equipment will be running 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
At St. Göran's Hospital in Stockholm, a project requiring extensive blasting work is in progress. Moving rock close to a hospital filled with sensitive equipment, patients and staff, requires careful planning - and a drill rig with reduced noise l...
Epiroc Estonia / Sautec AS
Tule 10, Saue
76505 Estonia