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New blasthole drills mobile App for the Pit Viper Series

From the open pit to the palm of your hand, Atlas Copco is bringing the Pit Viper blasthole drill series to your Apple tablet and mobile device. The new app focuses on Atlas Copco’s Pit Viper blasthole drills, with the latest case stories, product information, and interactive 3D models.
From the open pit to the palm of your hand, Atlas Copco is bringing the Pit Viper blasthole drill series to your Apple tablet and mobile device. The new app focuses on Atlas Copco’s Pit Viper blasthole drills, with the latest case stories, product information, and interactive 3D models.
The goal of this app is to give our customers and sales team a more hands-on tool, a better understanding of components, and ability to request more information on a particular product at any time. A design that’s simple to use, our users will be able to interact with the Pit Viper series, read up on information regarding the DM blasthole series and our Rig Control System (RCS), and stay up-to-date with the latest that Atlas Copco has to offer to the blasthole drilling market. Download the app now: Pit Viper Mobile App
For more information please contact:

Justin Cocchiola, Communications Manager 
Atlas Copco Drilling Solutions LLC
Telephone: +1 972-496-7400; Fax: 972-496-7425 

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