Mine development Canadian Fluorspar Inc., owner of the property, has reported that veins range in thickness of 1 meter to 10 meters in Tarefare and Blue Beach veins and up to 20 meters in diameter for the AGS vein. The quality ranges from 7 percent to approximately 90 percent CaF2. Construction of a mill, roads, a harbor expansion and additional infrastructure is underway and expected to be completed in 2017.
Current reserves of 8.8 million tonnes of fluorspar discovered in the AGS vein will support an 11-year mine life. With roughly the same amount in the Tarefare and Blue Beach veins, mining could expand further with continued exploration.
Fluorspar is an important industrial mineral used in many manufacturing processes. It’s critical in aluminum and steel production and is also used as a refrigerant and in lithium battery manufacturing. Fluorine is derived from fluorspar, which is used in pharmaceutical, medical and consumer products.
Burton had been using a different manufacturer’s bit for about eight years and was very comfortable with it. A majority of the drilling in this area uses medium hard rock bits. Atlas Copco developed the Azure series bit to stand up to the entire range of medium hard rock.
When working with Atlas Copco on the bit development, Springdale started with a 13 millimeter crown with 10 waterways. After working on various configurations, today the bit is available in many sizes and profiles. The Azure bit for this site is the NO, ECF 13MM, 10WW P/N 3760920076. Burton says he has to drill differently with the Azure bit. “I give it different water and give her less on the sticks. Four versus five or six with the other bit.”
This has paid off for Burton, who is setting many company records with the new bit. His record on a shift is 108 meters in a 10-hour period. And he holds Springdale’s total week record with 500 meters drilled. On an average shift the Azure bit can drill 42 to 45 meters, Burton said, while the competitor’s bit would run only 30 meters in a shift. In good, competent rock he can move steadily through it: “In one 12-hour shift I got 60 meters in granite. In rhyolite one day I got 30 meters by 12:00. That Azure cuts fast through granite and cuts through rhyolite like butter.”
He said at times he goes against convention concerning rotation, pressure and water usage. “You just have to lay off once in a while. If she’s polishing, you may just have to turn the pressure down, shut the water off, and she’ll torque up. She’ll cut right through it." Burton likes the life of the bit, too. “Bits cost money, and you don’t want to waste money.” He’s gotten 800 meters on a bit in rock that competitive bits could only manage 250 meters.
Burton said, “You’ve got to adjust to the bit. Find the sweet spot. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you could strip the crown off. You have to get used to it.” Burton laughed when he’s asked too many details. “A driller won’t give up all his secrets. But I can tell you this is a better all-around bit—less stripping, better penetration. She’s the one.”