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By industry segment
Vulcan Bolt
The Vulcan Bolt is an integrated primary and secondary support system for the absorption of energy in squeezing and dynamic ground conditions.
High yield capacity
Immediate support
Rapid installation
The Vulcan Bolt is an integrated primary and secondary support system for the absorption of energy in squeezing and dynamic ground conditions.
High yield capacity
Immediate support
Rapid installation
The Vulcan Bolt is an integrated primary and secondary support system for the absorption of energy in squeezing and dynamic
ground conditions. The Vulcan Bolt, available in Value and Mid-line versions, offers immediate and full load capacity on installation with high yield and energy absorption capacity.
The unique design creates an active support system with a full column frictional bond without the use of resin or grout and also gives excellent resistance to shear. This system provides a consistent load performance over a range of hole sizes and has the ability to accommodate an irregular rock face. The Vulcan Bolt delivers an improved efficiency to the current support cycle and is conventionally installed with mechanized equipment. A positive clamping force is introduced into the rock mass which can be visually audited with the inclusion of a load indicator. The inclusion of a arrestor mechanism prevents ejection of the bolt head
on rupture of the bar.
* based on 2.4 m rockbolt |
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