Person in front of car in underground mine

Take control of your network

Mobilaris Network Awareness is a tool for analyzing network coverage in your mine. Data are presented as colored cubes in the 3D map, based on filter settings. The user can for example choose time, statistical model and only show data from specific assets.


See the complete network coverage of your mine, compare areas, and see the change over time. Zoom in to analyze specific areas or even the coverage of individual access points. In addition, there are data filters, such as maximum, minimum, mean, and median to choose from when presenting data.


The threshold for the cube color comes with pre-defined settings but can be freely chosen from a slider. Colors can be filtered out to focus on a specific data range. Data for each cube can be seen by clicking on it.


Mobilaris Network Awareness relies on Mobilaris Onboard for gathering data. The high accuracy Mobilaris Onboard position is used to tie measurements to a specific position. This data is then transferred to a cloud-based service where the Mobilaris Onboard data is processed and stored to enable quick access to a large amount of data that is visualized in the Network Awareness user interface. 

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