Exploration & OreBody Solutions
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CONNECT - Agnostic connectivity
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PLAN - Integrated mine planning
AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
Go to AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
Go to OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
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A big step forward is to address these issues and deploy a good and modern standardized communication infrastructure. Suddenly situational awareness can be obtained in a mine control centre from where the shift can be monitored which leads to time thieves being avoided.
However, even in mines that are regarded to be in the forefront of technology with a good communication and positioning infrastructure, information is still not for all. Usually a miner does not know about the whereabouts of colleagues, nor where machines, equipment or vehicles are. In best cases, you can call up to the control room and ask for information – if they have time.
At the control room of an average size mine, perhaps with 100+ miners in the shift, the operators in the control room would be drowned with giving answers to simple questions if all the miners had phones. The logic is clear:
Luckily, all these problems can now easily be mitigated with the advent of two new revolutionary products from Mobilaris. These products make superior situational awareness no longer a prerogative for personnel in the mining control center but instead, a tool for anyone in the mine.
Enter Mobilaris Onboard™ and Mobilaris Pocket Mine™. With these new products, any miner will be able to know what´s going on in the mine. Whether you would like to know the ETA of a certain mine truck, the location of a drill rig, the whereabouts of a maintenance personnel or the location of a water pump, you will now be able to have all information at your fingertips.
Running on standard tablets or smartphones, the Mobilaris Onboard™ and Mobilaris Pocket Mine™ gets all the real-time information about personnel, equipment and vehicles from the centralized Mobilaris Mining Intelligence™ solution. All asset information including mine maps is shown in 3D and is locally stored persistently on the tablets so that you can use it even when you are out of network coverage.
Investigations have shown that a lot of the wasted time that decrease productivity in underground mining can be avoided if personnel simply have the necessary information at hands. Now, with Mobilaris Onboard™ and Mobilaris Pocket Mine™ they have the tools to pic those “low-hanging-fruits”. Transparency will not be a luxury for a selected few anymore.
A recent business case project in a mine in Canada showed that some of the values demonstrated by introducing Mobilaris Mining Intelligence™ were:
36A Ko Po Tsuen,
Kam Tin Road,
Yuen Long, New Territories,