Collision prevention - Titan CAS enhances safety by mitigating the risk of injuries and fatalities in mining operations, addressing collision risks involving vehicles, obstacles, and most importantly pedestrians.
Titan CAS is a robust and modular Collision Avoidance System (CAS) for surface and underground mining, upgradable up to EMESRT Level 9, increasing awareness and saving lives.
Long-range traffic awareness - Onboard provides a long-range warning about incoming traffic, helping to avoid traffic congestion.
Navigation - Onboard works like a car GPS, anyone can navigate to a location or to a moving asset without any specific knowledge about the environment. The best route will be highlighted in the 3D map for easy turn-by-turn navigation.
When approaching a vehicle the system warns you, and in this case lets you know that the vehicle is parked.
Titan CAS + Onboard uses the one same display and a user-friendly interface. This does not just save space in the cabin but increases safety as the operator always gets the most relevant information displayed.
The integrated solutions are designed to run on a standard Android tablet. All information, including mine maps, is shown in 3D and is locally stored so that you can use it even when you are out of network coverage.