Terrah TS100 MA in an underground mine

Mobile underground maintenance solution

The Terrah TS100 MA maintenance vehicle performs quality routine servicing and repairs, without the need to move production machines from their working locations. The vehicle is equipped with four stainless steel tanks with a total capacity of 4,500 liters for fluids and oils, flow meters, an air compressor and various tools. Thanks to flexible on-site maintenance, the Terrah TS100 MA can enhance your uptime.
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Engine power

Up to 150 kW

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Tramming capacity

4 500 liters

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Maximum speed

27 km/h for standard transmission


Terrah TS100 MA offers safe transport and clean handling of diesel and oils, and is designed for easy and safe access to integrated maintenance tools.


Equipped with four high-capacity configurable tanks, retractable hoses and quality tools, powered by the diesel engine, for flexible and efficient on-site maintenance.

Improved production efficiency

Effective machine maintenance boosts your fleet utilization, and reduces costs and downtime of production machines.


utility vehicles, maintenance