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Exploration & OreBody Solutions
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Rock drills and rotation units
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CONNECT - Agnostic connectivity
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PLAN - Integrated mine planning
AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
Go to AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
Go to OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
By industry segment
Titan CAS + Onboard
Titan CAS+Onboard is a combined safety solution for both long-range traffic awareness and short-range collision prevention all in one user interface.
Titan CAS+Onboard is a combined safety solution for both long-range traffic awareness and short-range collision prevention all in one user interface.
By offering short- and long-range traffic awareness.
By avoiding unnecessary stops in the flow of traffic in mines.
Reduced number of displays in the cabin thanks to integrated systems.
Phone: +86 15850530395
Jun Yong - Email jun.yong@epiroc.com
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