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Palas cargadoras, camiones y volquetes subterráneos (LHD)
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Ir a Implementos para excavadora
Equipo de perforación de chimeneas
Ir a Equipo de perforación de chimeneas
Herramientas para perforación de roca
Ir a Herramientas para perforación de roca
Agua, energía y energías renovables
Ir a Agua, energía y energías renovables
Automatización y gestión de la información
Ir a Soluciones diseñadas a medida
Ir a Piezas de repuesto y kits
Equipos perforadores y unidades de rotación
Acuerdos de servicio y auditorías
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CONNECT - Agnostic connectivity
Ir a PROTECT - Safety solutions
PLAN - Integrated mine planning
AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
Ir a AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
Ir a OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
By industry segment
Effective communication is the cornerstone of progress, whether it's person-to-person or between systems. Unlock your mine's potential and enable safer practices and automation with our tailor-made, scalable connectivity solutions and services.
Your choice of telecommunications technologies will play a crucial role in realizing your aspirations to modernize your mine and to increase safety, efficiency and productivity. With a technology-agnostic approach to connectivity, you can build a robust, pragmatic and lasting network solution.
Epiroc partners with mining companies to support successful digital transformations. Whether you need help assessing your mine site, finding the most cost-effective solutions, or integrating technologies, we’re here to support you onsite, in the control room, and in the boardroom.
Accelerate digitalization and support safety with turnkey wireless and wired network solutions.
Our in-house team will help you take a practical approach to building a resilient mine network.
Reap the benefits of connectivity without having to worry about capabilities, capacity or coding.
EPIROC México, S. A. DE C. V.
Vísítenos aquí www.epiroc.com/es-mx/nosotros para mayor información de nuestra operación local.
LLámenos: (478) 985 2322
Escríbanos a epiroc.mexico@epiroc.com
Oficina Central -José Luis Lagrange 103, Piso 2, Col. Polanco, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, 11510,Ciudad de México.