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Rock drilling tools on rock

Product description

It´s all in the thread

The Eprioc T drill string has a tough thread system. In fact, it’s robust enough to prevent product breakage in the blast hole. Which means you can shift your focus from all those time-consuming rod and shank changes to maintaining a much leaner stock.


Our drilling system comes in five dimensions: T35, T38, T45, T51 and Epiroc TW60. Epiroc T speedrods are ideal for bench and production drilling, and are available as extension or drifting drill rods.


What’s more, the T range of shank adapters will work wonders with your equipment – whether you’re running an Epiroc drilling rig, or some other brand.


Epiroc’s comprehensive range of tophammer drill bits matches the T drilling rods to perfection with the added benefit of being easier to release and change.


Powerbits T45, rod and shank adapter.
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