Exploration & OreBody Solutions
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Rock drills and rotation units
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By industry segment
Cabletec SL
A fully mechanized cable bolting drill rig for drilling and installation of cable bolts up to 6 m in length in low profile applications
Full mechanization
Quality control
Maneuverability and carrier commonality
A fully mechanized cable bolting drill rig for drilling and installation of cable bolts up to 6 m in length in low profile applications
Full mechanization
Quality control
Maneuverability and carrier commonality
Cabletec SL features full mechanization of the drilling, grouting, and cable installation process. The quality control with automatic mixing for the cement grout and data recording functionality ensures the right mix every time. It has excellent maneuverability and carrier commonality thanks to the low profile design that complements other low profile equipment like Boomer S1 L, which is built on the same carrier.
The ultra short COP 628 rock drill allows a reduced total feed length needed for low profile operations. The machine has 150 kg of dry cement and approximately 150 m of 15.2 mm diameter bolting cable storage capacity. Cabletec SL drills a hole diameter of 38 mm using fully mechanized extension drilling up to 6 m hole depth.
36A Ko Po Tsuen,
Kam Tin Road,
Yuen Long, New Territories,