Blast safety for open pit

Assure personal safety

by securing people’s location before blasting, in case of emergency or if accidents happen.

Blast on time

and increase productivity thanks to reduced time spent looking for people prior to blasting.

Relieve stress

from personnel by enabling people positioning and instant messages to anyone entering an evacuation area.

Manage people’s safety

Define hazardous areas in the 3D map such as blast areas, zones with a risk of falling rocks or with a risk of land slide for example. Thanks to the seamless integration with the application Situational Awareness, you can both keep track of all people on-site and send zone-based messages. Blast Support is a technology-agnostic solution compatible with various tags including Epiroc's virtual tag, an application for smartphones.


Improve safety for employees, contractors and visitors by tracking their locations and alerting them of the blast schedule and countdown. Monitor blast shelters and refuge chambers and keep track of where people are located in real-time.

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Blast on time

Reduce time for blasts by optimizing the blast design and execution and ensuring that all personnel and equipment are cleared from the blast area on time. 

Increase productivity and efficiency by monitoring the blast results and performance, and optimizing the material flow and haulage routes. 

Stress relief through digital empowerment

Enhance collaboration and coordination by enabling seamless communication between different teams and stakeholders and sharing relevant information and data. By empowering personnel with real-time information and digital tools for communication with people in the mine, stress around the blasting operation can be reduced.