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Exploration & OreBody Solutions
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By industry segment
Spool valve guard kit
For Pit Viper 270 series and Pit Viper 351
Reduces the risk exposure to personnel working on the machine.
Helps to lockout the manual valve actuation points.
Easy to install, with step-by-step procedures provided.
For Pit Viper 270 series and Pit Viper 351
Reduces the risk exposure to personnel working on the machine.
Helps to lockout the manual valve actuation points.
Easy to install, with step-by-step procedures provided.
Designed for all the spool valve blocks on the machine, available in 2, 7, 8, and 11 spool valves. Installation instructions to assemble the valve guard cover are provided along with the kit.
Padlocks are mandatory! Our recommended padlocks are available to be ordered on a separate part number. Each machine model has a mandatory quantity of padlocks.
2nd & 4th Floor LIIP Business Center Building B10 L4 LIIP Avenue, LIIP, Mamplasan, Biñan, Laguna
Phone: +63 (0) 2 8249-9480 to 84
Phone: +63 (0) 49 559-8840 to 44