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By industry segment
27 de março de 2023
“The interest from customers has been extensive and several loaders are already booked. The very first of these machines will be delivered to Boliden’s developing Rävliden mine in Sweden. Scooptram ST18 SG is a great fit for their high ambitions regarding sustainability and automation” says Erik Gert, Global product manager – Scooptram at Epiroc’s Underground division.
Scooptram ST18 SG is the answer to the rising demand for large segment loaders in underground operations as well as the need to reduce greenhouse gases from the mining industry. The loader features up to 50% higher installed battery capacity compared to other OEMs, resulting in longer autonomy with fewer stops for charging or battery swapping. The high energy-density battery features both active and passive safety systems for worry-free productivity.
“Compared to using a fossil-fueled loader with similar capacity, the Scooptram ST18 SG eliminates 365 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. It also reduced heat, noise, and the need for ventilation – which is crucial as mines become increasingly deeper” says Erik Gert.
Scooptram ST18 SG utilizes Epiroc’s second-generation battery-electric drive train, proven in field by the successful Scooptram ST14 SG. Epiroc’s electric drivetrain provides outstanding acceleration, maneuverability, and responsiveness for the operator.
"With the Scooptram ST18 SG, we’re bringing our leading zero-emission technology to large-size underground mines. This is an important step in our ambition to drive the industry forward - to a more sustainable, productive, and safer future"
Scooptram ST18 SG 2023 Sustentabilidade Segurança e ambiente. Carregadeiras elétricas International Comunicado de imprensa
Avenida das Nações, 2783 - Distrito Industrial CEP: 33201003 Vespasiano – MG - Brasil
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