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CONNECT - Agnostic connectivity
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By industry segment
To take advantage of the current session, a large screen is mounted outside the cab, enabling a small group of operators to watch and learn. All functions, including the Epiroc Rig Control System (RCS) are fully functional, ensuring that the operators are well prepared for reality. The simulators include full documentation regarding manuals and quick start-up guides; they can also be remotely updated and fault diagnostics can be monitored over the internet.
The Boltec simulator is designed with a number of training scenarios where you can increase your machine skills. The simulator has all the original components and controls integrated in an original cab.
Available formats: classroom trainer and full cabin
Serviços e Pós Vendas
E-mail: servicos.mineracao@epiroc.com
E-mail: ouvidoria.mineracao@epiroc.com
E-mail: vendas.mineracao@epiroc.com