Exploration & OreBody Solutions
Go to Exploration & OreBody Solutions
Go to Demolition and recycling
Automation and information management
Go to Custom Engineered Solutions
Go to Replacement parts and kits
Rock drills and rotation units
Go to Service agreements and audits
CONNECT - Agnostic connectivity
Go to PROTECT - Safety solutions
PLAN - Integrated mine planning
AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
Go to AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
Go to OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
By industry segment
Epiroc is a leading global productivity partner for the mining and infrastructure industries. With ground-breaking technology, Epiroc develops and produces innovative, safe and sustainable drill rigs, rock excavation and construction equipment and tools. The company also provides world-class service and solutions for automation and interoperability. Epiroc is based in Stockholm, Sweden, had revenues of BSEK 41 in 2019 and has more than 14 000 passionate employees supporting and collaborating with customers in more than 150 countries. Learn more at www.epirocgroup.com.
Epiroc’s Surface division develops, manufactures and markets a wide range of rock drilling equipment for use in surface mining, exploration, construction, quarries, as well as water well and energy applications worldwide. The division has production in Sweden, the United States, China, India and Japan. Learn more at www.epiroc.com
Epiroc er en ledende global produktivitetspartner innen anlegg, gruvedrift, infrastuktur og naturressursindustrien. Med banebrytende teknologi utvikler og produserer Epiroc innovative borerigger og borstål, bergbrytningsprodukter og anleggsutstyr.
Svarthagsveien 7
1543 Vestby
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E-post: epirocnorge@epiroc.com
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