Our Epiroc COP M series 6", 7" and 8" hammers are designed and built to perfection. They are faster, lighter, more service friendly and longer lasting than ever before.
Epiroc COP M6 This is the fastest 6" DTH hammer on the market. It covers the most common hole diameters, from 165 mm to 171 mm.
Epiroc COP M7 The 7" hammer is an all-new product, designed to bridge the productivity gap between 6" and 8" hammers. The ideal bit diameters for COP M7 range from 200 mm to 229 mm. Indeed, tests comparing COP M6 and COP M7, using 203 mm bits, show that COP M7 is 27 % faster.
Epiroc COP M8 The most powerful M-series hammer, COP M8 is 8” and designed for bit diameters from 229 mm to 254 mm.
LowFlow (LF) or HighFlow (HF)
By simply exchanging just one or two components, each and every Epiroc COP M series hammer can be quickly adapted to different air pressure and volume of various rigs. This two-in-one feature makes our hammers fit all rigs operating at different altitude and climates.
Unique patented air cycle
The patented air cycle of the COP M-series DTH hammers replaces a design that has been dominant on the market for more than 40 years. Ingenious technology now features a much faster air cycle that allows for a shorter, lighter and faster hammer than ever before. Our DTH hammers are 25 % more compact than before. And for many reasons less is more.
Lighter and safer
The Epiroc COP M series hammers weigh approximately 30 % less than other hammers in their class. This means easier handling and increased safety for you.
The fastest DTH hammer ever
A unique piston design allows the Epiroc COP M series hammers to strike the rock at much higher frequency than other hammers. This means that less fuel is consumed giving you considerably lower running costs.
Long lasting
The Epiroc COP M series design allows the same or better performance using fewer parts. High quality materials, precise manufacturing, and a simple and robust design gives these hammers low maintenance and long service life.
Outstanding productivity
Our most successful test shows a penetration rate increase of 64% when Epiroc COP M7 was compared to one of our competitors. Epiroc COP M6, M7 and M8 have proven themselves to be very effective in all kinds of rock, in all kinds of climates, and with a great variety of drill rigs.
Quick and easy service
Thanks to the more compact and lighter design, handling is easier and safer. One example is that bits can be changed in a matter of minutes. By utilizing our e-kits, you can keep the internal parts and re-build the hammer by exchanging the quicker wearing external parts. Why? You get an almost new hammer at a greatly reduced cost, with little or no loss in penetration rate.
We care for the environment
A smaller and lighter hammer is better for the environment. Less material is used. Less energy is required for transportation. On top of that, the Epiroc COP m-series hammers have proven to be very energy efficient, using significantly less fuel per meter drilled. We strive to design and build the most environment friendly tools for you.