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Epiroc Powerbit X in hand.tif

Diamonds solve surprisingly many problems.

Improve safety with fewer drill bit changes

Changing drill bits is a safety risk. The diamond protective layer of Powerbit X gives the drill bits longer service life, which means fewer changes and less exposure to danger for operators.


Boost productivity by drilling without interruption

Powerbit X lets you realize the full potential of remotely and automatically controlled production.


Use diamonds to cut your CO2 emissions

The extremely hard surface of Powerbit X makes it possible to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions per drilled meter – by up to 90%.


Time to change the industry again

Epiroc has pioneered the world of hard materials for drilling many times. Now we are introducing drill bits with diamond-coated buttons. 

Quick facts


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Progress: 0%

Improve safety with fewer drill bit changes

Boost productivity by drilling without interruption

Use diamonds to cut your CO2 emissions

"We were getting 7 meters or so out of a standard bit. The Epiroc Powerbit X achieved 400 meters, which is exceptional in this ground!"

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"We almost eliminated bit changes during an operator’s shift - opening opportunities for us to continue our automation journey."

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"The consumption of bits has reduced by about 75% - equal to thousands of drill bits per year."

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"With the first bit we were able to drill for up to 11 days without changing bit. This is a game-changer."

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