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Exploration & OreBody Solutions
Go to Exploration & OreBody Solutions
Environmental product information
Go to Demolition and recycling
Automation and information management
Go to Custom Engineered Solutions
Go to Replacement parts and kits
Rock drills and rotation units
Go to Service agreements and audits
CONNECT - Agnostic connectivity
Go to PROTECT - Safety solutions
PLAN - Integrated mine planning
AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
Go to AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
Go to OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
By industry segment
Epiroc Scholarship entries now open
The Epiroc Australia travelling scholarship is in partnership with the AusIMM. The scholarship winner will have one week at one of Epiroc Australia's service centre locations and two weeks in Sweden with our R&D, marketing and manufacturing facilities as well as Epiroc's own test mine and customer mines.
19 Reid Road,
Perth International Airport
WA 6105 Australia