In 1976 in Broken Hill, Margaret
Thatcher, then British Opposition
leader and later to become the first
British female Prime Minister, was
dressed in white overalls, hard hat
and other PPE of the day for an
underground mine tour. The photo
gives the impression of a seemingly
sturdy Mrs Thatcher punching away
with an Atlas Copco Panther rockdrill,
just out of shot however, supporting
the pusher-leg combination, was a sturdy miner. Early in the following
year, Sydneysiders were in shock
with the death of 83 people from the
Granville train disaster, Atlas Copco
assisted in the rescue with RH-series
rock drills, a Darda rock-splitter and
PRHS700 portable. The year also
marked the sale of the 100th GA
compressor. The 100th ZR compressor
had been sold to canning company
Containers Limited of Melbourne just
two years prior.