
Core drilling methods

Exploration drilling companies are constantly looking for ways to increase productivity and reduce costs. Choosing the right exploration method and using the right techniques are two of the most important decisions that geologists and drillers have to make.

With our commitment to sustainable productivity, we match these needs by continuously developing our exploration offering. We have more than 100 years of experience in diamond core drilling, and our innovative solutions have helped companies worldwide to mine profitably . 

We can advise in choosing both the right core drilling methods – as well as which of our comprehensive offering of core drilling machine best passes your requirements.

What is core drilling?

Core drilling produces cores of sub-surface material and is the most commonly used method of obtaining information about the presence of minerals or precious metals, as well as rock formations. The core drilling method gives the geologist the opportunity to analyze the sample by eye as well as by more advanced methods. As the samples are placed in core boxes piece-by-piece and carefully marked, it gives a full picture of the rock strata.

Core drilling techniques

Selecting which method to use for sampling work depends on the actual conditions, surface or underground, depths of the holes, rock conditions, and the preference of the geologist. But it also depends on the confidence that he or she places in the quality of the samples.

Modern core drilling rigs carry out fast and efficient core sampling at differing hole diameters to very large depth. In addition, core drilling rigs have been developed to be highly efficient and safe, regardless of the method used.

Our range

Our expertise and innovative solutions have helped companies worldwide to mine profitably. Our core drilling rigs meet rigorous safety standards as required by the European safety organization. 


The Diamec range

Our Diamec range of drill rigs offers just the user-friendly solutions needed, along with the latest in exploration technology and productivity. 


The compact size of our Diamec rigs enables them to move in tight spaces with minimum disturbance. This makes them ideal for underground exploration and also popular in surface operations. Diamec rigs have the unique capability to drill vertically upwards, downwards or horizontally. With just one operator at the controls, the unique positioner arm moves the feeder frame to the angle of your choice, facilitating a new drilling position quickly and easily.


Diamec Smart rigs log data during drilling which can be exported into Exploration Manager. This valuable data further boosts productivity and efficiency.



The Christensen Range


The Christensen surface core drilling rigs have a well-earned reputation for reliability when it comes safety and performance. This product family offers high quality core samples, a gear driven rotation unit and a constant penetration rate which helps to boost productivity and profits.  A rod handler is available on certain models to further enhance safety and reduce operator fatigue.


The Boyles range


Our Boyles range for core drilling rigs is designed for drilling at deep depths and in all ground confitions whilst being safe and easy to operate. The feed system, that further improves the productivity, is a key characteristic of the Boyles rigs. Boyles rigs are designed with safety in mind, minimizing the risk of personal injury during operations.
All major components are logically located to make servicing quick and easy.


See our complete range of core drilling rigs




How does core drilling work?

A core drill is a hollow, cylindrical drill that is used to make holes in the ground. The bit is pushed through the surface with a spinning motion to create the hole. A different drill bit needs to be installed depending on the rock types to allow for the best performance.

What is core drilling in mining?

Mining starts with geological exploration and ends with the delivery of raw materials. At the geological exploration stage, miners explore for new deposits, and use drilling to define the potential of existing mine sites.

How long does core drilling take?

Around 10 hours for the average hole. This includes setup, leveling, and cleaning operations, with the cutting process itself proceeding at about 2 inches per minute. To put things into perspective, core-drilling a 6″ hole is like cutting a rectangular concrete slab with a 18.85″ linear edge. That's a big cut. 

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