Exploration RC Rig and Rock drilling tools

Reverse circulation

Today, reverse circulation is the preferred method for initial exploration, ore body development and in-pit grade control. The technology has gained ground for its speed, efficiency and ability to provide accurate samples for evaluation by geologists. We, at Epiroc, continue to drive the development of new and improved technologies.

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Safety first

Our Explorac rigs are equipped with a rod handler which allows the operator to stand outside the hazardous zone and complete all functions with an easy-to-use remote control.


Reliability is essential when drilling in remote locations. Our Explorac rigs are based on proven technology and a simple design, which ensures continuous and uninterrupted operations.

A complete package

An Explorac package can be delivered as a complete system - from the drill bit to the sample splitter. You avoid loose ends in your system and can easily meet the continuous need for compressed air and consumables.

Customer stories

Progress: 0%

Explorac 100 reverse circulation
