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Exploration & OreBody Solutions
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CONNECT - Agnostic connectivity
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PLAN - Integrated mine planning
AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
Go to AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
Go to OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
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New South Wales
Muswellbrook is a town in the Upper Hunter Region of New South Wales, predominantly known for coal mining. Epiroc Muswellbrook team offer highly qualified technical experience for direct field support. Underpinning the latest innovations in Rig Control Systems with accurate troubleshooting, advanced diagnostics and best practice in maintenance, the Muswellbrook team provide great solutions that meet a dynamic and contemporary market’s demands with tailored solutions for their customer’s needs.
51-57 Enterprise Crescent
2333 Muswellbrook, New South Wales
Office hours Monday to Friday: from 08:00 to 16:00. After hours contact number for parts support 1300 366 880.
Contact us on our 24 hour customer support and get in touch with your local Muswellbrook Service Centre today.
19 Reid Road,
Perth International Airport
WA 6105 Australia