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Exploration & OreBody Solutions
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By industry segment
Häggloader 10HR and 10HR-B
A unique continuous loading system
Superior productivity and flexibility
Energy efficient
Safe, comfortable
A unique continuous loading system
Superior productivity and flexibility
Energy efficient
Safe, comfortable
The drive of long, small dimension tunnels requires the use of high capacity equipment designed to operate efficiently in narrow or limited work areas. Epiroc's continuous loader Häggloader has the ability to achieve rapid in-and-out transportation while it also helps reduce many other costs. The Häggloader Concept brings pure customer value.
Basically, it's all about resources. Financial, environmental and human resources. Our idea is highly efficient continuous loading for mining and tunneling applications that lower our customers' costs as well as their operations' environmental impact and improve the working environment underground, thanks to less diesel fume.
That's what we call sustainable productivity.
19 Reid Road,
Perth International Airport
WA 6105 Australia