
Trade Compliance

With the global issues that we are all facing today it has never been more important to ensure trade rules and regulations and being followed. Epiroc is committed to protecting both ourselves and our customers by ensuring that all parts and services supplied are reaching the intended destinations without any breaches of Global Trade Compliance.

With this in mind, all parts or services with an end destination outside of the UK or Ireland will need to undergo trade compliance screening with end user certification before Epiroc can release an order or site visit.

The screening process checks the end user is fully legitimate and that all parties linked to the organisation are free from any trade embargo or illegal dealings. Again, this protects Epiroc and you as one of our customers in this country.

Your end user will need to complete the following two documents (see links below to download them):
Failure to provide both the End User Certificate and the Data Screening Document completed by the end user (they should not be completed by you) will prevent any related orders from being processed. Rest assured that no data provided will be shared outside of Epiroc, and we will not contact your end customer directly.

On receiving the completed documents Epiroc will conduct the screening process including a check of all requested parts for possible second use. We will run a check of the destination country with a risk assessment to determine if Epiroc can release the order for parts or the engineer to site.

Once all checks are completed and Epiroc are satisfied that the end user is fully compliant the related order or site visit can be released.

Note: This process will also apply for all orders placed via Shop Online, a note must be added with the order's destination and end user. On completion of compliance checks the order will be released or declined based on screening results.

As and when there is an update to a country’s operated trade and export regulations or within the risk category, the check will be replicated.

We appreciate that this will cause some delays, but I am sure that you fully understand the need to carry out full compliance checks. 

United Kingdom