Epiroc working tools are manufactured from a special alloy with a very high grade of purity. High purity minimizes the risk of tool breakage by reducing weak spots, which could cause cracks. Especially in the cases where the impurities are on/near the surface, the tool is highly prone to fracture.
High purity helps to achieve a deeper hardening of the shell, without altering the technical specification of the material and at the same time, while maintaining the core of the tool soft. Therefore, our tools efficiently withstand the bending stresses and last much longer, because the hardened surface (which gets removed by wearing) is much deeper than in a non-genuine working tool.
Epiroc working tool quality starts from the selection of the best raw material available, followed by an advanced machining process and state-of-the-art heat treatment, allowing all working tools to have exactly the same properties.
This consistency allows us to predict performance and durability when an Epiroc working tool is replaced with a new one. Furthermore, our customers can be sure that once an Epiroc working tool passes through our strict quality control, there will be consistency within a particular batch.
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