Construction means many different types of operations, all from road construction to dimension stone quarrying. Find out how our solutions can help you reach a better result.


Construction means many different types of operations, all from road construction to dimension stone quarrying. Find out how our solutions can help you reach a better result.

Contact us

Safety first

We take safety seriously and our products are always developed to enhance safety on the job site.

Various applications

We operate within many constructions applications and have solutions for every need.

Solutions delivered

Productivity, hole quality and low fuel consumption are all available to you through our broad product portfolio.

Customer stories

At St. Göran's Hospital in Stockholm, a project requiring extensive blasting work is in progress. Moving rock close to a hospital filled with sensitive equipment, patients and staff, requires careful planning - and a drill rig with reduced noise level.

Dynamic tunneling in Bodø

January 22, 2017

Norwegian contractor Veidekke shares their experience with the Dynamic tunneling package, and explains how the software feature enables them to generate drill plans at the tunnel face.

Every day, the world’s quarries produce millions of tonnes of aggregate for a variety of industrial needs by drilling, blasting and crushing – but not always with the best results for their owners. However, there is a smart, easy and profitable way to get the job done.

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