Lade- und Transportgeräte (Fahrlader)
Wechseln zu Lade- und Transportgeräte (Fahrlader)
Wechseln zu Gesteinsbohrwerkzeuge
Wasser, Energie und erneuerbare Energien
Wechseln zu Wasser, Energie und erneuerbare Energien
Wechseln zu Abbruch und Recycling
Automatisierung und Informationsmanagement
Wechseln zu Kundenspezifische Lösungen
Wechseln zu Wiederaufbereitung
Wechseln zu Ersatzteile und Kits
Gesteinsbohrhämmer und Rotationseinheiten
Wechseln zu Sichere Produktivität
Wechseln zu Serviceverträge und Audits
CONNECT - Agnostic connectivity
Wechseln zu PROTECT - Safety solutions
PLAN - Integrated mine planning
AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
Wechseln zu AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
Wechseln zu OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
By industry segment
Epiroc offers a comprehensive line of underground loaders (LHD's) for mining and construction applications. Choose from our wide range of load hauling capacities and designs to fit your specific needs.
Built with highest safety in mind, ergonomic and with automated functions - Epiroc's underground loaders are designed to perform. A wide range makes sure that you can find the right loader for your mining or construction application. The mining loaders are designed with safety features and operators comfort in mind. With robust components and smart systems they ensures reliability, productivity, operator safety and comfort along with ease of maintenance.
Excellent digging ability and high-lifting design makes these loaders the perfect companion to the Minetruck family. Easy access to performance data and real-time diagnostics keeps your loader running strong. Service points are easily accessible, making daily maintenance efficient safe and quick. The operators can enjoy working from a comfortable and safe cabin.
You also have the possibility to take your material handling experience to the next level with Epiroc's Deep Automation. This enables your Scooptram loader to be provided with well proven teleremote and automation capabilites, matching the needs of your operation – from small stoping to large block caving.
All our loaders boast a ROPS/FOPS cabin or canopy with ergonomic controls, clear visibility and automatic fail-safe features. By focusing on safety and operator comfort, we reduce risk and maximize uptime.
To make your work easier, we offer digital add-ons ranging from diagnostics and remote control to fully autonomous operation. Our experts can help you add resources where you need them most.
When designing each detail of our underground loaders, we incorporate customer feedback and years of experience in real life applications. The result is ergonomically designed, robust performance and superior productivity.