Lade- und Transportgeräte (Fahrlader)
Wechseln zu Lade- und Transportgeräte (Fahrlader)
Wechseln zu Gesteinsbohrwerkzeuge
Wasser, Energie und erneuerbare Energien
Wechseln zu Wasser, Energie und erneuerbare Energien
Wechseln zu Abbruch und Recycling
Automatisierung und Informationsmanagement
Wechseln zu Kundenspezifische Lösungen
Wechseln zu Wiederaufbereitung
Wechseln zu Ersatzteile und Kits
Gesteinsbohrhämmer und Rotationseinheiten
Wechseln zu Sichere Produktivität
Wechseln zu Serviceverträge und Audits
CONNECT - Agnostic connectivity
Wechseln zu PROTECT - Safety solutions
PLAN - Integrated mine planning
AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
Wechseln zu AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
Wechseln zu OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
By industry segment
RCS Trainer
Providing training for the machine control system menus without having to access the actual machine.
Become acquainted with a new machine prior to its arrival
Technical training in a safe and controlled environment
Remote support
Providing training for the machine control system menus without having to access the actual machine.
Become acquainted with a new machine prior to its arrival
Technical training in a safe and controlled environment
Remote support
The RCS Trainer is a PC-program that allows a user to start and stop RCS-simulation software on a desktop. It is possible to add configuration files, so that the RCS-simulation software can emulate different machine types and options. You can also add specific files with parameters, navigation data and drill plan data depending on the machine type.
The RCS Trainer allows you to simulate the menu system and to navigate between the menus. You can save and retrieve parameters and change the settings in the menus.
RCS Trainer 3.0 runs only the latest RCS software generation and is prepared with all available applications to download locally for improved user experience.
RCS Trainer 2.3.5 runs older RCS software generations, and each application must be downloaded from the list below and installed manually into the program.