Lade- und Transportgeräte (Fahrlader)
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Wechseln zu AUTOMATE - Agnostic automation
OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
Wechseln zu OPERATE - Data-driven and responsive operations
By industry segment
Extensive field testing
Thanks to smart patented features, Epsilon2 will greatly improve drilling productivity through extended bit life and a faster rate of penetration (ROP).
The new air bearing bit has been tested thoroughly in the field by selected customers in highly diverse operating conditions in North America, South America and Asia. The tests show an average of more than 60 percent longer distance drilled before bit discard compared to the previous Epsilon generation – peaking at over 100 percent in some cases.
"The name Epsilon ‘to-the-power-of-2’ is no coincidence. It’s more than an upgrade, it’s a new generation."
Bearing problem solved
“Degrading of the bearings was long a common cause of bit failure, forcing customers to accept a slower ROP and a shorter service life than necessary. Either the bearings would corrode due to moisture from water injection for dust suppression, or overheat by friction,” Bahadir continues.
Two patented Epiroc features combine to solve the problem: Tornado, which channels cooling air over the hotter load side of the bearing, and Torrent, which removes moisture from the cooling air and therefore reduces corrosion.
Twice the distance drilled per bit
“Epsilon² outperforms other air bearing bits on reliability, and even challenges more costly sealed bearing bits. Users of sealed bits can now turn to Epsilon² for comparable productivity at a lower cost,” explains Allan Rainey, Global R&D Manager at Epiroc.
Longer bit life means improved personal safety through reduced operator interaction with the drill bit. With twice the distance drilled, there is no need to replace the bit every day, perhaps only once a week,” he continues.
Another aspect of extended bit life is that there will be fewer bits manufactured in total over time, which in turn reduces the outtake of raw material, the transportations and the ecological footprint.
"We believe customers will value a lower climate impact when selecting their next rotary drill bit."
For further information please contact:
Bahadir Ergener, Product Line Manager (PLM) Rotary
Cell: +46 73 274 53 30, e-mail:
Allan Rainey, Rotary Global R&D Manager
Cell: +1 717 369 1015, e-mail:
Kärntner Ring 5-7
1010 Wien, Österreich
Telefon: +43 1 205 1160 1035
Berg und Tunnelbau
+49 201 24678-111
Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen der Epiroc Österreich GmbH
+49 201 24678-268