Lastare och truckar (LHD-maskiner)
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By industry segment
29 mars 2023
One important highlight of the new Minetruck MT65 S is the upgraded speed. This has been increased by up to 10% going up the ramp and 18% going downhill, thanks to the optimized drivetrain and new software feature allowing the machine to recommend and hold a certain speed depending on conditions. As a result, customers can enjoy an 18% boost in their productivity levels.
Reliability has also been addressed in the new update. Several of the machine’s main components have extended life as well as a more protected component location. This provides customers with a reduced lifecycle cost and increased availability of the Minetruck MT65 S.
"We aim to push the mining boundaries even further with the new updated Minetruck MT65 S offering customers smart and effective material haulage solutions"
For further information, please contact:
Global Manager Branding and Communications, Underground division
Phone: +46 (0)721 838 434
Global Product Manager – Minetruck, Underground division
Phone: +46 (0)709 370 797
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145 53 Norsborg
Gröenvägen 8
438 91 Landvetter
Lagergatan 3B
931 36 Skellefteå
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