Minetruck Automation station 6th sense pattern

Automation and information management underground

We help our customers have an efficient process from solid rock underground to crushed ore on ground. Our automation and information management solutions increase safety and productivity.


Digitalization calls for a new way of working. Our customers need people, processes and technology to synchronize. We call it 6th Sense. 6th Sense is the Epiroc way to optimize our customers' value chain through automation, system integration and information management – enabling a smart, safe, seamless operation.

Our 6th Sense underground solutions

Insight is the starting point

Transparent information in support of good decisions
Mobilaris Onboard tablet

Data is a key in our modern world. Today massive data is being generated in daily operations. It only becomes true value if retrieved, stored and analyzed at the right time.


6th Sense Insight is a product family that includes solutions for collecting, transferring, storing, visualizing and analyzing the data, transforming it into useful information for data based decision making.


The 6th Sense Insight product family includes  My Epiroc, Telematics, Analytics, Rig Remote Access, Underground Manager 2.0Measure while drilling.


Control the next level

Increase productivity in a safe, consistent and predictive way
Close-up of antenna integrated radio from Scooptram Automation machine kit

Automated and tele-remotely controlled operations can significantly increase productivity and improve safety at the same time. They can also increase consistency of daily operations, yet providing predictive results.


6th Sense Control is a product family that combines different features, functions and product packages allowing to improve process and machine control in safe, consistent and reliable manner. 


The 6th Sense Control product family includes Scooptram Radio Remote control, Deep Automation,  Minetruck Automation, Collision Avoidance Interface, Advanced Boom Control, Boomer remote observation, Production drilling teleremote, Dynamic Tunneling Package, Navigation, Drill tracker.


Optimize by unlocking the potential

Higher efficiency and utilization
Minetruck MT 65

Optimization enables processes to be executed, and equipment to be operated with full potential through improved efficiency and higher utilization.


6th Sense Optimize is a product family, offering services and product packages that support process optimization.


The 6th Sense Optimize product family includes High Performance Development, Stope Optimization, Transport Loop Optimization and Application expertise services.

In our underground offering you will find smart, connected products – and the knowledge, tools and partners to take control of your operation in a completely new way.

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Customer stories

Säkerhet djupt inne i bergen

24 september 2020

I gruvan Kirovsk är brytning av fosforhaltiga råmaterial ett hårt arbete. Apatit JSC:s Kirovsk-filial har en rad utmaningar att tackla – framför allt tuffa förhållanden, säkerhet och effektivitet, men Simba Teleremote klarar av dessa utan problem.

Här och nu

30 januari 2020

Mobilaris Mining Intelligence gör gruvdriften effektivare genom att utrustningen spåras i realtid. Vid zink- och koppargruvan 777 i norra Kanada höjer den nya Epiroc-tekniken Hudbays utlastningshastighet.

Barrick’s Hemlo Mine goes deep with teleremote and automation – teleremote autonomous mining is helping Barrick Gold Corporation reach a deeper section of its Hemlo mine in Canada.

Norska entreprenören Veidekke delar sina erfarenheter av paketet för dynamisk tunneldrivning, och förklarar hur programvarufunktionen gör att de kan generera borrplaner vid tunnelgaveln.